Years ago, my sister and I visited the fabled Oracle of Delphi. As we left Athens, the scorching June air embraced us, carrying the earthy aroma of wheat fields gently through the open windows of our tiny rental car.
The roads were as treacherous as they were enchanting—narrow passages that dared not accommodate more than a single car at a time, and yet they teemed with a cacophony of vehicles: cars, buses, and even cumbersome semi-trucks. Each corner we encountered a perilous challenge since we couldn't see around the hillside and know if it was safe to proceed. My sister, always a vigilant protector of our safety, would honk the horn every time, turning our potential misfortunes into momentary comic relief. We honked and laughed our way to Delphi, where we arrived unscathed.
As we explored the vastness and enigma of the archaeological site, a profound connection flourished between us, intertwined with a wellspring of inspiration, which we still carry today. Delphi became one of the backdrops against which our sisterly bond deepened and blossomed.
Delphi has resurfaced in my life recently with a series of synchronicities, rekindling long-forgotten memories. It is unclear whether every tale from Greece inherently links itself to Delphi, a testament to its historic significance, or if it serves as a gentle reminder to revisit the memories of this captivating and mystical place.
While studying the long history of bee symbolism, I stumbled upon a story of Pythia, the priestess of Delphi, whose proficiencies had been whispered to her by bees. Moreover, my research unveiled hints of psychoactive honey produced by the bees of Delphi—offering a more plausible explanation for the profound connection between prophecy and these mystical insects.
Even thousands of years later, during the Georgian and Victorian eras, bees continued to guard important secrets. Their symbolism, however, had evolved. No longer were they mere conduits of sacred truths; instead, they became custodians of the secrets we hold for those we love.
For me, Delphi occupies the crossroads of bee symbolism, where secrets are revealed, and the bonds of secret-keepers are forged. It is a place where inspiration intertwines with the mysteries of the past, reminding us of the enduring power of connection and the allure of hidden knowledge.
Bee Silent
In the realms of Georgian and Victorian culture, where symbolism held sway, there also existed a shared fondness for an intriguing form of entertainment—the deciphering of rebuses. These delightful puzzles, crafted with a blend of letters and symbols, provided a captivating challenge that fascinated minds and revealed hidden messages.
Among the treasures of this era, one emblem stands out—a seal adorned with a bee 🐝 accompanied by the word "silent." At first glance, its meaning may appear elusive, but a closer examination unravels the secret: "bee silent" or, more succinctly, "be silent." The bee, symbolizing the loyal guardian of secrets, takes on a profound role in this design. The seal's intended message becomes resoundingly clear—preserve and safeguard the confidential contents concealed within this letter.
Trust, confidentiality, and the unspoken bond of secrecy are treasures deserving of reverence and protection. It serves as a reminder to cherish those entrusted with our confidences and to prove ourselves worthy of the trust bestowed upon us.
Featured Wax Color: Mercury ✨NEW
Drawing inspiration from the mythical messenger god, Mercury (known as Hermes in Greek mythology), I created this exquisite new sealing wax.
Hermes, the divine messenger of the gods, held a significant role not only in communication but also as the patron deity of commerce, trade, and negotiation. His connection to trade stemmed from his unique ability to facilitate exchanges between mortals and gods, making him an intermediary between different realms. This association between Hermes and trade carries profound implications for the world of communication.
According to mythological accounts, the Oracle of Delphi was a conduit for the god Apollo, who provided prophetic guidance to seekers. However, it was Hermes who transmitted these divine messages, acting as an intermediary between Apollo and the Oracle. As such, Hermes held a vital role in the functioning of the oracle and the dissemination of its prophetic wisdom.
In homage to the wisdom and legacy of Hermes, this mustard-colored wax serves as a tangible representation of the power of communication.
Transporting us to an era steeped in the beauty of traditional letter writing, this wax invites us to rediscover the art of thoughtful correspondence. It beckons us to embrace the grace and intentionality of a handwritten note, reminding us of the irreplaceable power of carefully crafted words. As we seal our messages with this mustard-colored wax, we pay homage to Hermes and honor the importance of communication as a conduit for both commerce and the human experience.
With love,